Thursday, September 8, 2011

Changing the way you look?

So you want to be loved? You think there is some one out there for you and yet you don't at the same time? So you sit there crying to your friend why you are not loveable and the friend tells you, you are. So what do you do? You wallow and change something about your self. But what change do you do?

I have meet many friends down the road and they think (including myself at some time or another), honestly believe that their looks will be the thing that will attract a mate of some sort. But it never does really. I mean, sure you could smarten yourself up towards the potential cos, thats part of it. But what I am talking about is changing your whole outside being. It doesn't make a difference, I could have bigger boobs, bigger arse and longer and blonder hair. The thing is, will it, still attract that mate you so desire? No. “WHAT!” You exclaim? Here I tell you why.

Thats not the real you. Nobody wants to be some one who is fake. People want the real you. The real you that has those crazy quirks thats unique to you and you alone. So you don't have big boobs and he teases you about it, but if he is confronted by a woman who has big boobs, it may make him very uncomfortable and off running to the hills screaming. Yes boys have their quirks too.

So I'm going to tell all of my friends now. You are beautiful just the way you are, and if you want to change? Change the choices you are making, change the type you keep on chasing and change the way you think of yourself. Be the real you.