Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Loving your friends is the best thing you could do for them. Great friends are hard to come by. Friendship is not something that’s just purely physical we live in the age where a connection is beyond our wildest dreams. Humans have done what we have always wanted to do. Connect to the next level.

Since the dawn of time we have, wanted to be part of something, something bigger than ourselves, be part of something bigger. And deep down I think we will. The internet has played a massive role in this. The thing is I’m going back to the start, I’m going back to where two people wanting to be with each other and be more; then create more. This is our start. Our start to be something bigger, call it reproducing to save our species or an act of God or just us longing for the warmth of “We are not alone”. Whatever you put it down to, it part of our souls to be.

People say that our internet connection is what connects us, yes this is true, it’s faster but we’ve always had done it without the whole technology thing. Because first and foremost our true essence of us will always find a way to connect, whether it’s travelling long distances, phoning them, writing a letter to them or just simply talking to them. A connection is stronger than anything else. We all have strings and those strings connect us to many people. When we do leave them physically they are still part of our beings and we learn from them. From the past experience we move on to the next level. So, we connect to the next level with another, surrounded by boundless waves of being. And then we start to love, we start to love on all levels because we are part of something bigger than us. For it is “WE”.

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