Monday, January 31, 2011

Blog One, Leap.

Today I am going to state that this is my beginnings.  My leap forwards my future.  I have being meaning to start a blog, and tell the tales of my life in its apparent glory and downfalls. Or may be its really my bias opinions?  Oh well...  

I would like to inform you that I do have many interests and sometimes I don’t make sense.  But then again who does make sense?  I do have many faults but I also wish to be very happy and funny. Okay one of my secret wishes is to be funny.  I mean if you are funny, people just like you, right, or am I wrong?  Ha-ha-ha.  Nah... I don’t really care, why? This is my blog, my account in what I see around the world, you see.  And then you give your opinion.  I will take or leave it, most likely will ponder about it for days, then respond.  I am just like that.

You see I have so many stories to tell, some of them will make you laugh, cry or maybe just plain old angry.  I don’t know how you will react, but I will react, react on the other side of the screen.  This will make me happy.  

Okay now a little about me?? Who am I, what am I? Do I say the cliche ‘I am just a girl, trying to make it through this harsh world!’ Ahh.. Nah... That's so not me, that is boring to say. God dammit, I just said it! Oh no, I just became typical!  What am I like, huh.  One thing is for sure.  Start reading my blog.  I here, now and then from way back when, too. Way back when?  I know that was a bit confusing.  Sometimes I just crack myself up.

I have lived in a few countries, because that’s what fate dealt me with.  And no, my family were not in some sort of travelling circus.  Just felt like it.  I think the word is called for me is itinerant.  A person who travels place to place with no real fixed home.  Sounds depressing, not really.  Just difficult to  have a full bodied relationships with people.  I guess this my out reach for people to make that fixed home, here on this blog.  What do you think?