So I have had a few bad days that has added up to, a few weeks. And its late in the evening, more precise, its midnight. And I am having another glass of white wine because I deserve it.
As my whole world has being crushing me, I realised I need to take a break and just let everything go. I put on my 90’s childhood music and drank some wine to get me in my silly dancing mood. That was a kind of fun till I got bored. My world has been very dark lately and nothing seems to be lightening up.
Then I hear a barking noise from outside.
It was my dog, barking. I called her in and she ran away. So what do I do? Start chasing. In the wet grass with half a bottle of wine in my system. Running around, slipping in the grass getting filthy because the dog is slipping through my wet slimy hands. I can’t stop laughing. Why? It’s totally insane. So I do this for a few minutes in the cover of night, pissing myself with laughter on my own, filthy and my heart is pumping from all of this chasing. My dog decides it’s a game and she has her toy in her mouth. She play surrenders, then runs away. I catch her, whilst intoxicated.
I have come to realise that in our darkest moments there is light, it’s just are you willing to see them? I am, even when I am covered in mud; in the middle of the night. Or could be the fact I got a little tipsy silly too.
As my whole world has being crushing me, I realised I need to take a break and just let everything go. I put on my 90’s childhood music and drank some wine to get me in my silly dancing mood. That was a kind of fun till I got bored. My world has been very dark lately and nothing seems to be lightening up.
Then I hear a barking noise from outside.
It was my dog, barking. I called her in and she ran away. So what do I do? Start chasing. In the wet grass with half a bottle of wine in my system. Running around, slipping in the grass getting filthy because the dog is slipping through my wet slimy hands. I can’t stop laughing. Why? It’s totally insane. So I do this for a few minutes in the cover of night, pissing myself with laughter on my own, filthy and my heart is pumping from all of this chasing. My dog decides it’s a game and she has her toy in her mouth. She play surrenders, then runs away. I catch her, whilst intoxicated.
I have come to realise that in our darkest moments there is light, it’s just are you willing to see them? I am, even when I am covered in mud; in the middle of the night. Or could be the fact I got a little tipsy silly too.